Showing posts with label mentally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mentally. Show all posts

Trump's Main Accomplishment: The Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law. It makes it Legal for People on Social Security Disability DUE TO INSANITY to BUY GUNS Without That Fact Showing Up On a Background Check. THE LAW IS CRAZY!

Headline: Trump signed a bill making it easier for people with mental illness to buy guns.  

Trump Repealed an Obama Law That ordered the Social Security Administration to take the list of people who were deemed so severely mentally ill that they are unfit to handle their own disability benefits and forward it to the FBI. The FBI was then supposed to incorporate that list in the background checks used to disqualify people from gun ownership.

MEME - Trump Signed the help crazy people buy guns law - gvan42
Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law.
MEME - Great Movie Dumb and Dumber - tRUMP and pENCE - gvan42

Everybody is Laughing at Trump because of his Failed Attempt to Buy Greenland... and His Crybaby Reaction when the Prime Minister of Denmark called him ABSURD.

But No One is Laughing about the Plan to Put Migrant Children in Jail Forever... and the Collection VAST RENT for Owners of Corporate Jails. What a FREAK! 

Trump is a Sadist. He loves to Hurt People and Laughs, Laughs, Laughs when Little Girls Cry... 

HEY TRUMP, GET HELP! You Are Sick... 

High school students stage ANTI-GUN protest in Florida.

Since the government has been bribed by the NRA to keep guns legal it falls to teenagers to rise up in revolt against mass murder by gun. Just like the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960's, today's youth are leading the country towards a brighter future. While Congress and Trump passed a law that makes it easier for mentally ill people to get guns, kids just don't buy that absurd behavior. We all are outraged... I want you to get up and go to your window and scream: "I'm Mad as Hell and I Won't Take it Anymore." or... In 2018, post your feelings on Social Media...


Is Trump too Mentally Ill to serve as Commander in Chief of a Nuclear Nation? Dem proposes panel to remove President if unfit to lead.

Pointing to the outcry over President Donald Trump's latest controversial tweets, freshman Rep. Jamie Raskin is urging his colleagues to get behind a bill that could potentially oust the President if he was mentally or physically unfit.
The Maryland Democrat wants to create an 11-member commission made up of mostly physicians and psychiatrists -- more formally called the "Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity." The panel would carry out a medical examination and determine whether the President was physically or mentally able to do the job.

Psychiatrists say Trump is mentally ill.

Negative responses and condemnation continue to rain down on President Donald Trump after his crude insults against “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski Thursday in two of his often acerbic tweets on Twitter.
“It is really not normal that the president of the United States and the commander-in-chief would be tweeting about somebody’s face,” says longtime Republican strategist Liz Mair.  “It does not conform to the normals that we expect and we treat as pretty set in stone in this country.  It is also strange.”

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