Showing posts with label losing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label losing. Show all posts

Let's get out of Afghanistan. Trump's Right, we're losing... just like we lost Vietnam and Nicaragua...

If we leave Afghanistan, those people over there will figure out solutions to their own problems. OR... Maybe they won't. How could we possibly care? We have problems of our own and the era of the USA being the Daddy of the world is over. Those people over there have to get along without our help... We went to war in Afghanistan because the Afghan people needed our help fighting the bizarro-world Islamic FUN-da-Mental-Twists... As it turned out, dropping bombs on their country did not help at all and actually helped recruit people to Freedom Fighter [Terrorist] organizations. Who wouldn't want to fight against destructo robots in the sky [drones] raining death? If some foreign country bombed MY home town, I'd be angry too. Have you seen photographs of Mosul? If freedom=devastation, most people would decline. The wars in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan are simply evil marketing schemes to sell weapons to the Pentagon... Big profit for easy work.  I read now that ISIS has spread to the Philippine Islands... This war between the Christianity and Islam has been going on for a Thousand years and is likely to continue for a thousand more. It's a waste of taxpayer dollars and American lives to continue this pointless fight.

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