Showing posts with label businesses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label businesses. Show all posts

Free Stock Market Advice: Sell All Stock Invested in Fossil Fuel Companies. Their Businesses ARE DOOMED. Invest in Solar, Wind and AIR CONDITIONER MANUFACTURERS.

As more banks declare they won’t fund fossil fuel projects, we’ll see a domino effect and every project will be harder to fund. As more investors – both public and private institutions – demand fossil free indexes, the capital needed to fund these monstrous mega-projects will be impossible to raise. And that’s not to even mention how hard it will get for the world’s biggest polluters when no-one will insurer their mines, pipelines, and power-stations anymore. Our activism against these bad actors in the finance sector will build our power, make real change and be fun. You have a chance to use your power. But this should also be accompanied by a bigger critique of the system that says it’s okay to put profit first. We have a chance to imagine a new financial system, even as we go about making the one we have play a pivotal role in ending the era of fossil fuels.
The money that’s fueling the fire of global warming — and how we stop it. The biggest climate mobilization in history simply won't be enough if it stops this week and people just go home. And and won't count for much if we can't direct this energy towards the companies who are are not only causing climate change, but profiting from it.

Tax the Rich, Pay the Working Poor at Least $15 per Hour. The Extra Money in Our Paychecks will be SPENT at American Businesses, Increasing Profits. Everybody Wins!

Corporations will need to HIRE more people to handle the increased sales. Unemployment Insurance Payments will decline. Those new workers will SPEND their Paychecks at American Businesses increasing Profits. It's a FEEDBACK LOOP called "Bubble UP Economics" and a Proven Winner for Everyone. The Increased Profits will pay for the Increased Taxation of the Rich. If you double the profits, a 25% tax increase turns into a 75% Gain... DUH... 

By making "Working at a Job" Competitive with "Dealing Drugs for a Gang", Crime will decrease as many young people will voluntarily choose employment instead of "Da Gangsta Life." Costs for Law Enforcement and Incarceration will decline... Everybody Wins!

Bubble UP Economics is a proven winner for all - raise the minimum wage to 15 dollars per hour

How Bubble-Up Economics Works. Give all working people a Raise and we will spend it in American Businesses.

If we raise the Minimum Wage, those employees will spend more money at American Businesses, Increasing Sales. There will be a need to hire more people to serve the new customers. Reducing unemployment costs. Those extra employed people will be spending their paychecks at American Businesses, Increasing Sales. Causing the need for more hiring. Those extra employed people will be spending their paychecks at American Businesses, Increasing Sales. Causing the need for more hiring. Those extra employed people will be spending their paychecks at American Businesses, Increasing Sales. Causing the need for more hiring. These are people that pay taxes... Not Greed Freaks that Hide their money in the Cayman Islands...

The Extra Money just "Bubbles UP" throughout the entire economy...  Everyone wins...

Just giving more money to the Super Rich will not help anyone. They already have more than they can possibly spend. Corporate Welfare just encourages them to slack off and not put any effort into running their companies smartly... Why TRY when the Government will just give you free money?

Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome Can be Cured! Simply Join Greed Freaks Anonymous and GET HELP!

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