Showing posts with label Soviet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soviet. Show all posts

Interesting Biography: Stepping Down from the Star: A Soviet Defector's Story by Elena Alexandra Costa

Born in the USSR and Living as one of the Elite... Rich, Connected... Wife of a Diplomat... She Defected to the USA and then went to Wharton Business School... Then Got a Job at Radio Shack is Sales and then Computer Support... It seems to be an Accurate Autobiography... 

Trump cuts 300 jobs at State Department without any loss of productivity. Were these jobs that had no actual work assigned to them?

At every Agency of the Federal Government many jobs were simply not filled. During the Obama Administration there were people employed to sit at desks... Now those desks are empty and yet the country seems to be moving along just fine... GO Figure...

We reduced the staff in Moscow by 755 people. Some of there jobs had tasks assigned to them like drivers, maids, gardeners etc. BUT... many of these Diplomats seemingly did no work... After all, we still have some kind of relationship with Russia but now the remaining 415 employees are handling the work... What do they do all day? Fold up paper airplanes and fly them around the office? Look at the clock and watch for the hours to pass?

Trump Gutted The State Department And Half Of Top Jobs Are Still Unfilled. More than half the positions in the agency’s organizational chart are vacant or occupied temporarily by acting officials.

Maybe this is an opportunity to get hired? While the high level jobs are intentionally left unfilled, there are probably jobs open that career Federal workers have authority to make hiring decisions. Those people like to have many employees working for them as it gives them Status in the department... A person with 100 employees working under them is more important than one that only has 50... Check out this Jobs website...

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Legalize Marijuana Nationwide and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. We could use the extra money to pay for healthcare for all.
The USA would receive a fortune in VOLUNTARY Taxes. If you don't smoke you wouldn't pay a cent. We could also cut Taxpayer expenses currently wasted on Incarceration and Law Enforcement. It's a Win-Win situation. More money going into the Treasury and Less going out.  In addition, states that have legal medical marijuana have fewer deaths due to opioid addiction. Some people simply choose the safer drug... DUH...

Who could Possibly be in Favor of keeping Cannabis Illegal?
Corporations that are in the business of incarceration.

Read More at:

Maybe we should become Allies with Russia. End the Cold War and learn how to do business together.

What if Trump's right? What if all this anti-Russian panic is absurd? Why don't we stop with all the fear and loathing an let Exxon Mobil drill for oil in Siberia? We had a good partnership in World War Two. Then there was decades of bizarre anti-communist panic.

Well, The Russians simply want to make America another subject country bowing down to Putin's every desire. They already have Czar Donald the Puppet dancing on their strings...

I heard that during the 1950s Senator Joe McCarthy and the House In American Activities Committee hassled folksingers like Pete Seeger about whether or not he was a member of the communist party. People in Hollywood had their careers ruined because the government was afraid that they would use the power of films to influence public opinion and allow Commie Ideas to brainwash the masses. Seems absurd now...

Then we fought wars in Korea, Vietnam and Nicaragua to prevent creeping Communism from taking over the World. Well, we found out that even the USSR and China didn't like Communism. Not much danger of that economic system taking over... In the mean time, the USA lost over 50,000 lives and spent trillions of dollars fighting an enemy that was doomed to fail from within.

Why don't we just learn to get along? Sure, their country has problems. For example: they kill newspaper reporters that criticize Putin and they let their "Mafia" steal all the "Worker's Assets". Yes, THEY have troubles but are they not our troubles but THEIRS? Shouldn't we stop trying to "Improve" their government's behavior by imposing Sanctions? Why can't we be friends?

If we stopped believing the Cold War Brainwashing maybe everyone would be better off...

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and now for something completely different... Original ART!

Cosmic Fish

Butterfly Heart

Ezekiel and the UFO
Peace and Love

Hive Mind Voyager - Fusing Human Consciousness Electronically - worldwide friends prevent war

omg hive mind science fiction bug transporting another dimension mugwump star voyager

It seems like we are moving towards a Hive Mind... as predicted by Orson Scott Card in Ender's Game. The internet is becoming more interconnected every day and the people who use the internet are becoming more aware and awake than ever before...

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