Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts

My Housemate said: "The Democrats are in Favor of Socialism." THAT'S FALSE. He was Told a Lie, He Believed the Lie and He Repeated the Lie.

19 out of 20 Candidates for President ARE NOT in Favor of Socialism. DUH!  and then, to Defend His Position, he gave the example of the USSR... a COMMUNIST COUNTRY... (Not Socialist) Not Holland, Norway, Denmark or Sweden... Socialist Countries that are Doing Great!

However the TrumpNik Brainwashing Machine has Convinced him that It's Sunny at Night and Dark During the Day. 2+2=5 and Trump is a Saint! I guess they really learned a Thing or Two from the CIA Project MKULTRA... "They" have Manufactured a Hundred Million Mind Control Robots... 

Remember: Believing Lies is NOT a Great Way to Live...

Read More at:

The Swirly Background Allows Plenty of Space to Write Your MANIFESTO... Or The Great American Novel... WhatEVER!

"Art in the Time of Coronavirus" Poster
by gregvan

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They Say That an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away... That's Especially True if You Throw The Apple At The Doctor and Bonk Him On The Head... Then He will #Runaway and Never Come Back!
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Darryl Cherney says: "Boomer" is an epithet used by the wannabe PC crowd to hide their ageism, bigotry, and ignorance of the contributions and problems of each generation, which is pretty much the same since recorded history. The fostered attitude brings us divide and conquer that the establishment has used for millennia. Shall we hold Dylan Roof and the Unite the Right Marchers in Charlottesville as a poster children for the current generation? The baby boom brought us the Beatles, Motown, Bob Dylan, the environmental, women's, and modern day ciivl rights movements, alternative medicine, the rise of paganism and Earth centered spiritualities, and much more. In other words, to quote Judi Bari, "Ignorance is distributed equally among the classes," and I would add, among the generations. Or as JC might put it: "Let they who are without sin... "

Robert Smyth :Remember, “Don’t trust anyone over thirty?” Every new generation shakes their collective heads at the previous generation. If I were a Millennial, I’d feel pretty let down by the previous generation’s greed and selfishness that’s contributed to the rapidly deteriorating condition of our climate and biosphere, along with the residual 20th Century strains of Ignorance that seem so hard to shake, even twenty years into the 21st Century.

Darryl Cherney:I remember so well "Don't trust anyone over 30." And to take if further "Kill your parents." So glad we can count on the young to save us. I've been waiting for them for 20 years to join us. However, this current PC language obsessed generation seems to be looking for at least something to be bigoted against without feeling un-PC. Aha! People born after 1949 or so. Perfect. That working single mom and fighting for the union dad and getting ripped apart by police dogs civil rights activists are the problem. Seriously poor analysis. It's always been the rich and it has nothing to do with age.

Darryl Cherney This is all straight up divide and conquer. One could argue that the generations before baby boomers (I won't use the epithet) and well into baby boomers well into the 60's had to fight for all those things that the next generations took for granted.. One could argue those next generations took all those things for granted and lost them because they were hand them on a silver platter didn't have to fight for them in the first place. But I don't argue that because all generations have the same cross sections of points of view, more or less.

Darryl Cherney Which generation did Dylan Roof belong to, or those mass shooters at Parkland, and Columbine and the theater in Colorado? What about the younger Republican Congress thugs, of which there are plenty to match up to AOC. Which side represents the generation? Answer: they all do.

Darryl Cherney Every generation mistrusts their elders and that is what is so unenlightened about it. These are the end times of civilization as we know it. It's the use of divide and conquer when coming together to save our planet is imperative. My opinion, while standing for the rights of so many, some people seek at least someone to be bigoted against, just like some liberals love to have a liberal to attack to make themselves feel "fair-minded." This is old stuff.

Darryl Cherney What if I said this photo [Neo Nazi men with torches] represents the current generation? (It doesn't represent them anymore than the nazi youth did in the 30's and 40's). But that's what it feels like when I hear this bigoted b-word expression which by its definition is inherently opposed to diversity of age while the user theoretically espouses diversity of everything else.

Darryl Cherney Ariel Hanson, et al. You've missed my point. I'm not comparing the words boomer and nazi at all. I'm saying that one can't lay claim that an entire generation is at fault when there are more than millions of young people going on a destructive, bigoted path and if you want to lay the blame on baby boomers then one must look at all the members of every generation, including these guys. So shall I assume they are representative of young people any more than a very few baby boomers are representative of an entire generation. You can't have it both ways.

Darryl Cherney: Here's a media piece on it with the angle being support of Bernie Sanders. This woman says that the influence of earlier generations appears all white, male and capitalist with names like Dave, John, Steve, etc., but she appears to be ignorant of names like Martin, Malcolm, Gloria, Rachel, Judi, Caesar, Jesse, Leonard, Abby, Huge, Eldridge, Geronimo, Anna Mae, Bella, not to mention John, Paul, George and Ringo and hundreds if not thousands more who changed the direction of thinking and action in this country, at least. To top it off, she speaks with a Valley Girl accent. Oh yeah, I forgot Frank.

Signe Nielsen: Naw, we done f#cked up the planet.

Darryl Cherney: Which we? The Native peoples? Union organizers? Greenpeace? Rachel Carson? The Beatles? Impoverished peoples worldwide including here? The people originally brought as slaves? The Zulu? The Icelanders? Which we? Or was it the Emperors, the Bankers, the Slave Traders, the Oilmen, the Railroad tycoons and auto manufacturers, the politicians? Or... was it a system put in place long ago before memory that we barely recognize has been matrixed over us? Which "we"?

Cynthia Kruger: Darryl – collectively, humans have eff’d up the planet.
Sure greed is a large part of it, but so has been medicine in the sense it may have shortcut an important mechanism that kept population growth in check, or perhaps the development of agriculture which helped population to grow as food scarcity became less. Our many solutions for particular problems have had (unintended) consequences that (partly) led to uncontrolled population growth.

And, I would be remiss if I failed to mention religious dogma encouraging people to prosper and procreate. While the exhortation to procreate originally had a practical reason . . . insuring species continuity . . . it became separated from that imperative at some point by greed.

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ahhh... relax and change the subject... to ART!
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Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

MEME - Melt Guns - Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Cosmic Visions

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I Keep On Getting SPAM From Republicans Begging For Money So They Can FIGHT SOCIALISM. That's an ABSURD Cause. No One is In Favor Of Socialism. There is NO NEED to Fight It!

With The Exception of Bernie Sanders and AOC... and They are "Democratic Socialists" and That's Somehow Different from "Scandinavian Socialists" or "Kibbutzniks." Not Even Russia or China Are In Favor of Socialism! It Automatically Collapses from Obvious Internal Defects... 

I Don't Like SPAM. No One Like SPAM... They Don't Even Spell My Name Right. They Address Their Begging Letters To Greg Van Buskirk or Gregorio Vanderlaan - THAT'S NOT ME!

CEASE AND DESIST! Fuggin TrumpNiks®

420 Promises Made Promises Broken Upside Down American Flag button by gvan42 zazzle gregvan


LINK to ALL My Promises Made Promises Broken Gifts!

The "Wonders" of Capitalism: Monsanto and RoundUP - "Somehow" tRUMP's EPA has Concluded that RoundUP is Safe and Should Remain Legal and Yet... The Courts are Awarding Huge Fines for CANCER...

RoundUP Causes Cancer

A Discussion on Linkdin - a Guy was Promoting his Book. Rainbows & Unicorns: A Friend "Educates"​ Me on Socialism...

I Replied:
Sweden and Holland are Socialist Countries and They Are GREAT! 

Jim Rossi Said: I've spent a lot of time up in Humboldt and on the HSU campus, mountain biked through Community Forest at least 100 times, golf at Muni and Beau Pre, working. My buddy in the article lives in McKinleyville. Love it behind the Emerald Curtain - except for the delusional, cult-like fascination with socialism. No bueno. Have a great summer in the redwoods for me.

I Repiled: I never noticed any interest in Socialism in Humboldt County... I Went to College for four Years at HSU in Arcata in Computer Science... A Lot of People are Interested in Ecology - EARTH FIRST!, Playing the Drums (Samba Parade & Calypso) and... Growing Marijuana... a Pure Capitalist Business... No Taxes, No Government Regulations and Illegal...  Plenty of Interest in New Age Religion... Yoga, Hinduism, Zen, Wicca... 

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and then we digressed into a lot of words about
the Relative Advantages of Capitalism, 
Communism and Socialism... 
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I Said: To Further Document the Absurdity of Monsanto... I See Television advertisements Promoting the sale of RoundUP at the Same Time That Other TV Ads Advertise Lawyers that will Represent you when you SUE Monsanto for Giving you CANCER... Do They Have This Madness in SWEDEN? Norway? Holland? Israel? 

I Said: An Especially Evil Corporation is  MAXXAM... Capitalism Gives us the Wonders of Junk Bonds and Michael Milken Loaning Charles Hurwitz Millions of Dollars so he could do a Hostile Takeover of Pacific Lumber... and Then Charles Cut Down all the Really Big Trees, Made a Massive Profit on them... Then "Magically" Declared Bankruptcy, Stole the Pension Fund and Went Back To Texas... Wonderful System You Have Here...

I Said: I like the Healthcare System in Canada. It Costs Less and Works Better. People LIVE LONGER with SOCIALIST MEDICINE. What is The Great Advantage of Paying for the Profits of the Stockholders of Pharmaceutical Corporations, Hospitals as Doctors... You Know Why We Pay More for Medicine...  Someone has to pay for profits... and that someone is You and Me... 

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Someone Else Said: Many countries get away with what looks like socialism, but is really an advanced societal responsibility. Sweden and Norway are essentially monocultures with a huge, pervasive, monsterous pressure to conform and take responsibility for each other (sameness). That doesn't translate to the US or many other western cultures.

This article, in a graph towards the end, maps Norsk culture as one of the global cultures furthest from the USA.

I Said: I Understand. "Monoculture" is Secret Code for WHITE PEOPLE. The Reason Socialism Works Great in Scandinavia is White People Can Make It Work... But Here in the USA we Have Black, Brown and Yellow People So It Won't Work Here. I Agree... 

No one Really Promotes Socialism in the USA... Except Bernie Sanders and AOC... It's Just a BOGUS Trump Insult... We are Going to Remain Capitalist for the Foreseeable Future... and BIDEN is NOT Socialist... BUT... It's Fun for Trump to Point the Finger and LIE... Danger Danger They Are Socialists... Yu Know... Just Like Red China and The USSR! 

I Do Like Socialist ROADS, FIRE DEPARTMENTS, POLICE DEPARTMENTS, WATER SYSTEMS, SEWER SYSTEMS, PUBLIC EDUCATION AND THE MILITARY... all paid for by All of Us Paying Taxes and The Society At Large Buying those things... Remember: Most TrumpNiks GET CONFUSED When FACTS are Presented... They Think That Communism and Socialism is the Same thing... of Course, Most TrumpNiks are Uneducated...  Is Israel Socialist? Kibbutz? another Example of a Successful Cooperative Society... 

I Like the Socialist Programs Called Social Security Retirement, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance... They Are Great! and When The Entire Economy Failed... It was wonderful that the Congress and Trump signed a Trillion Dollar Bailout for Everyone... A Capitalist Society Would Have Let the People Starve... FUN FACT! Ayn Rand Received Social Security Checks... I Guess She SHRUGGED Her Shoulders and said: "What They Hey! FREE MONEY!

Was The Bailout of Wall Street in 2009 a Socialist Act? The Banks Gambled Away All Their Money and The The Federal Government Magically Invented a Trillion Dollars so the banks Could Keep on Gambling... 

I do think #FRANCE1789 is a Good Solution to Our Crazy Capitalist System... What's The Logic behind Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich?  Well... The Super Rich Buy Politicians that Pass Laws That Benefit the Super Rich... If Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Paid the Same Tax Rate as I Do... We Could Have Free College For All... and What's The Logic of our MASSIVE Defense Budget? Since 1945, The US Military has Never Defended The Country. NOT EVEN ONCE! All the Wars During My Lifetime Have Been BOGUS MARKETING so Lockheed, Boeing, Hughes and Dow could Sell Stuff to the Pentagon...

Guillotine - France 1789
and then Jim Rossi Said: Here's looking at you, kid. Greg Vanderlaan and Included this Picture... 
Who is This?
Who is This?
Who is That Guy? I Do Not Recognize the Face... A Resident of Sweden? Holland? Norway? Denmark? Places that are EXCELLENT! I Have a Question: Was the Bailout of Wall Street in 2009 an Act of Free Market Capitalism? Ayn Rand Libertarianism? Or Was that "Magical" Creation of a Trillion Dollars Socialist? Welfare for the Rich? I Really Do NOT Know...  Is ENRON an Example of COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME?  #FRANCE1789 

Gee, I Would Appreciate it if You Put a Little More Effort into this Debate... Just Copying and Pasting a Pre-Fabricated Meme is Lame... Here is a Chart Comparing Socialist Healthcare Systems With For Profit Systems... Medicare For All COSTS LESS, WORKS BETTER. 

tRUMP's PLAN: Force Poor Women to Have Unwanted Babies. If Trump Wins, Abortion will be Outlawed. Rich People will still be able to afford Illegal Abortions and So the Population of the USA will become Increasingly Poor People.

MEME - tRUMP is a Danger to the USA - gvan42
tRUMP is a Danger to the USA

KEEP ABORTION LEGAL. I know a Woman that threw herself out of a speeding car and landed on her belly in order to Cause a Miscarriage... Really... At that time, Abortion was Illegal and She Really Didn't want to have that Baby... tRUMP IS ANTI-CHOICE.

KEEP ABORTION LEGAL... I know another woman whose boyfriend did not want her to have his baby... so he kicked her in the belly and she miscarried... There ARE better surgical methods... Really...

KEEP ABORTION LEGAL... I remember that a friend of mine drove his girlfriend to Tijuana to get an abortion. Was that "Hospital" the highest quality? It is likely that Actual Doctors in the USA give better Health Care than TJ's Finest. In Olden Days abortions were often performed by random lawbreakers... Not a great system... This is important because BOTCHED abortions can leave the woman sterile. Maybe she doesn't want a baby at age 15 but at age 22 she does.. A Botched abortion removes that option. NO Choice. 

We Are Going to Force Girls to
Give Birth to Unwanted Babies! 

Changing the Subject: I enjoy watching the David Pakman Show on Free Speech TV. He is an Insightful Talk Show Host that has the Ability to Explain Complex issues... Like what the Difference is Between Democratic Socialism like they Have in Sweden and Communism like they had in the USSR and China - Long Ago. Republicriminals constantly warn that if we elect Democrats we will have "Socialism" and then they give examples of Communism. Two Different Economic Systems but... easily fooled TrumpNiks Can't tell the difference... Hey, it Sounds Bad... the Boss Told Us it's Bad... So We Believe Him when he says that the real solution to our problems is to Give Rich People More Money. - The Show about Socialism and Capitalism... 

So far, Economic Systems Like they Have in Sweden work Great. That's why we should vote for Medicare for All. Lower Cost, Longer Lives. The System in France is a GREAT Model for what we could have here. They have Government Health Insurance and if you want MORE you can buy Private Health Insurance. That way if you want, you can get Faster and Better services... The GOP never tells the Truth because TrumpCare is all about increasing profits and not about people's health. 

Music Video: The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key Blues (tRUMP's a Danger to Self and Others... Police Code 5150...)

Music Video: Butterfly Freedom - Did You Ever Notice... Reality?  It's Right Outside Your Door... Take a Walk in the Woods... Unplug... and Experience Nature...

HOW TO Join the Global #DumpTrump Movement. Anyone, Anywhere in the World May Write to US Senators and House Representatives Using Their Online Contact Forms.

Let's Cut The Police Force in Half. How to Contact Your Senators and Representatives. Fewer Police = More Safety. Police Need MORE TRAINING About How to STOP MURDERING UNARMED CITIZENS

Absentee Ballots [vote by mail] are one way to make sure YOU CAN VOTE AT ALL. Republicans are putting a LOT of effort in preventing people from voting. Especially Black and Brown people.

If tRUMP Wins, He Will CAUSE Global Economic Collapse. Billions of People Will Die of Starvation. Remember That #TrumpHasFailed When You Vote.

Millions of Republicans #RUNAWAY from tRUMP... Everyone Has Realized... He's a Pile of _______ ! (Redacted - Community Standards) Did You Ever Notice That Republicriminals are trying to Destroy Democracy by Preventing People from Voting... Then, They Can Crown CZAR Donald Glorious Leader For Life!

tRUMP IS INSANE! A Call for Invoking the 25th Amendment. When He Causes Global Economic Collapse, Billions Will Die From Starvation. #LockHimUP in a Mental Hospital...

Jaime Harrison is Running for Senator against Evil Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. Jaime is Young and Smart, Lindsey is Old and Corrupt. Join the Campaign to throw the Insane TrumpNiks OUT! Register and Vote! 2020 is the Year we Win the Senate, The House and The Presidency!

Proof of tRUMP's Failed Economy... Obama Did Not Need Food Banks... People Bought Food With Paychecks From Jobs. Remember: You Can't Eat tRUMP's Lies! #DumpTrump #BillionDollarLoser #tRUMPisaFAILURE

Music Video "Vote for Joe, He's Not Insane!" CAMPAIGN SONG - Chords and Lyrics Provided So You Can Record This and Make a Hit Record!

This is what Socialism Looks Like: Trump announced $16 Billion in WELFARE PAYMENTS to Farmers That are Harmed by His Insane Trade War.

When Obama was President, Farmers earned a living by Growing and Selling Crops. 

People ask: Where will all this Money come from? Well, from MORE Deficit Spending! Since Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law is Currently Failing to Collect Enough to Pay for the Cost of the US Government, we are Increasing the National Debt in Hopes that YOUR Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren and Great-Great Grandchildren will pay for it all... This Year had the Largest Deficit in History... and Now Trump wants to Make a $16 Billion Welfare Payment to Farmers and a $19 Billion Dollar Payment for Disaster Relief... The Midwest is experiencing Record Tornado Damage and Flooding due to Climate Change... and The West needs help for Wildfires... and and and... This Summer we Expect More of the Same! More Wildfires, More Tornadoes, More Hurricanes and More Floods...   

MEME gvan42 Trump's Trade War

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and now for something completely different.
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I already own all the Cheap Chinese Junk I will ever Need. I have a Laptop and a TV and I'm going to keep them and use them for another decade. They work fine and there is no need to buy a BRAND NEW SMARTPHONE! because the one I already own is great... So the Chinese plan to stop selling RARE EARTH MINERALS that are required to make Electronic Gizmos... Well, so Freaking What! From now on I'm buying used... Used Clothes totally undermine the Chinese Fabric Industry... I find it INSANE that we Import Cotton Fabric... Why not GROW COTTON IN THE AMERICAN SOUTH? and Weave it in places like Burlington, Vermont... We did that Years ago... Why not Now?

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and now for something completely different.
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Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg says Trump was a Draft Dodger during the Vietnam War because he Bribed a Doctor to write a FAKE Medical Deferment... Well, That was a Smart Move by Trump. Only an Idiot would Go to Vietnam unless he was Forced to... Everyone who had a Rich Daddy Dodged the Draft. It was a Totally Insane War... History has proved it to be a Horrible Waste of American Lives and Taxpayer Dollars. So Mayor Pete went to Afghanistan... Well, What The FORK did he Accomplish? The only thing we have done in Afghanistan is INCREASE THE OPIUM CROP YIELD... Thanks, Pete...

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and now for something completely different.
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Little Stevie Mnuchin Warns of ‘Late Summer’ Default If No Debt-Limit Increase.

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and now for something completely different.
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Trump's Family, Staff Should Stage an Intervention for the good of the country. "Just because I have a hotel in my foot doesn't make me a boogily-moogily-moogily!"

Mitch McConnell Russian Bribery Scandal - Sanctions were lifted on Oleg Deripaska and then he decided to build a $200 Million Dollar Aluminum Factory in Kentucky. Quid Pro Quo? Obvious Payback?

Little Stevie Munchkin, Treasury Secretary, and Mitch McConnell both Lobbied for the US Senate to Remove sanctions on Oleg Deripaska... The House had voted in a Bi-Partisan way to Keep Sanctions...  and then SURPRISE SURPRISE Mitch Benefits...


Congressional Leaders Seek Investigation into Russian Investment in Ky. Aluminum Mill.

Wife of lobbyist for Russian plant in KY got boost from McConnell...
Rachel Maddow notes how the dots connect awkwardly for Mitch McConnell after the wife of the lobbyist who alerted McConnell to a huge Russian investment in Kentucky was suddenly processed for a federal judgeship for which she is not qualified.

Rachel Maddow connects the dots on an epic financial scandal involving Mitch McConnell and Russia...

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