Showing posts with label Diablo Canyon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diablo Canyon. Show all posts

The US Government COULD Simply Stop Spending Money Like Crazy. For Example: A Billion Dollars to Bail Out the PG&E Nuclear Power Plant at Diablo Canyon... That's Insane! Just Shut it Down!

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Keeps on Speaking about the US Government Running Out of Money in JUNE... and That Will Cause the Collapse of Civilization... Billions of People Starving to Death... and a Thousand Years of Dark Ages...

Yellen warns of U.S. default risk by early June, urges debt limit hike... 

WELL, Why Not Simply TAX THE RICH? Why Not CUT Defense Spending? We DO NOT Need to Give Lockheed Martin a Billion Dollars for a "New and Improved Jet Airplane." We DO NOT Need a SPACE FARCE... We DO NOT Need to Defend Earth from Attack by Extraterrestrials in Flying Saucers... Even If Aliens and UFOs are Real, They are So Far Advanced That we Could Not Possibly Win a War... SO DEFUND THE SPACE FARCE!

GOP rep: US defaulting on national debt a ‘real threat’

The threat of a possible default comes after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said last week that the U.S. is projected to hit its borrowing limit — roughly $31.4 trillion — by Jan. 19. Yellen’s pledge to take “extraordinary measures” to fend off a default sets the table for a showdown between the White House, Democrats in the Senate and a Republican-controlled House.

Wouldn't It Be Wonderful If We Could CUT Government Spending and Raise Voluntary Taxes At the Same Time? 

Simply Legalize Marijuana Nationwide... Collect VOLUNTARY TAXES... Release all the Cannabis Prisoners... Close the Unneeded Prisons... A Massive Increase of Tax Revenue and a Massive Cut to Spending! EVERYONE WINS! and I Wouldn't Pay a Penny because I Don't Smoke... 

We Could Simply NOT Send Women to The Moon... We Already Went There in 1969 and There's Nothing of Interest There... Now The USA is Planning to Send Women and Minority Groups to the Moon Because Everyone that Walked on the Moon was a WHITE MAN... Well, So Freaking What? Get Over It!

Free Coloring Book Art - CUT DEFENSE SPENDING - gvan42 - gregvan - purple64ets

Free Coloring Book Art - Visual Echo Star - gvan42 - gregvan - purple64ets

Free Coloring Book Art - Visual Echo Star - gvan42 

CUT DEFENSE SPENDING - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Classic 12 Way Kaleidoscope by gvan42

12 Way Kaleidoscope by gvan42 - Free Coloring Book Art

I've Changed my Mind... New Information has Caused a Re-Thinking of my Beliefs... That's the Way Sanity Works!

For Decades I Have been Totally Opposed to Atomic Power... However, the Continuation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant for another Five Years seems to make sense in this ONE CASE... 

Headline: California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law to keep the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant running until 2030, five years past its previous planned closure date.

The bill, SB-846, was similar to a proposal the governor put forth in August, but included some compromises.

This Summer when it was 113 Degrees for a week I ABSOLUTELY Wanted the Electricity to Flow... Powering the Air Conditioner here at Home... Even If My Comfort caused Problems for People Living in the Future... 

The Basic problem with Atomic Energy is that It Creates Radioactive Waste that has to be Stored Safely for 10,000 Years...  but I'll be Dead for Most of that time... and It Won't Matter to ME... 

I'm Living HERE, NOW and I want that Air Conditioner to Work!

It appears that Solar and Wind is NOT Creating enough Electricity RIGHT NOW to Power Everything We Want to power... We may have enough capacity in 2030 but Today it's not enough... Especially Here near Sacramento where our Power Company, SMUD, gets most of its Electricity from Hydroelectric Dams on the American River... and the DROUGHT has reduced their output... 

Remember: This Summer the Generators at the Oroville Dam TOTALLY STOPPED WORKING because there was no water flowing... 

So... For an Extra Five Years we ought to keep Diablo Canyon Running... It'll cost $1.4 Billion Dollars of Federal Money to Pay PG&E to do the Needed Repairs and Maintenance... But It's TOTALLY WORTH IT... Especially Since the Money is Federal "Magic" Money... It's Created out of Thin Air... and It's Just Piling on to the $31 Trillion Federal Deficit... It's not REAL MONEY... It's Just Numbers in Computers... and Congress Already passed the Infrastructure Law... and Biden Signed it... So... Let's Spend it to Keep MY AIR CONDITIONER RUNNING. 

Remember: Be Here Now - and If People in the Future Suffer for my Bad Choices... Sorry...  

I lived next door to an Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant in Eureka, CA... PG&E Stopped Running the Reactor in 1974. They Stored the Waste in a Giant Swimming Pool for 40 years and then Moved it to Above Ground Casks... The only Foreseeable Problem is an Earthquake... and we Live in a Known Earthquake Zone... and Spilling the Toxic Waste on the Ground... or Terrorists creating a Dirty Bomb by Placing a Traditional Bomb under the Casks... However That's Unlikely... after all, there is a Fence to Keep the Crazies OUT!

Did You Know? A California Startup has Built a Slingshot to Launch Rockets to Outer Space... a VERY Practical Application of this Technology would be to Launch Atomic Waste into THE SUN... Just shoot it far enough UP and Towards The Sun... Gravity will Dispose of it forever... 

Headline: Startup SpinLaunch completes first test flight with wild rocket-flinging launch system... 

Headline: Startup SpinLaunch completes first test flight with wild rocket-flinging launch system...

But I still think VOGTLE, Georgia is an Abomination! 16 Billion Dollars Over Budget and Six Years behind Schedule... and the Customers Will have to Pay for That Boondoggle!

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Headline: Greta Thunberg Says Germany Should Keep Its Nuclear Plants Open... 
Germany shouldn’t close nuclear plants that are currently generating power if it means increasing the burning of coal, Greta Thunberg said.

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One other Thought... It Appears that the Vast Majority of People are NOT Changing their Behavior in order to Stop Climate Change... 

For Example: People Still Fly in Jet Airplanes... and Those things Cause an Amazing Amount of Air Pollution that Causes Climate Change...

and People Keep on Driving Cars that Burn Gasoline... Often Just for Fun! I Understand that if you have to commute to get to work... there isn't much choice... if you are a parent, you have to be able to drive over to your kid's school and pick 'em up in an Emergency... 

BUT... Driving 1,800 Miles for a Honeymoon is NOT UNDERSTANDING the Problem... Flying from San Francisco to New York to Visit the New Grandchildren... is NOT UNDERSTANDING the Problem...

and People are Rebuilding Homes in the Same Location that Was Destroyed... a Wildfire Wiped out Paradise, California and Many Residents are Building There Again... 

Let's Build Solar Panel Parking Lot Shades... Keep Cars Cool and Generate Electricity at the Same Time... AND... Let's Cover California Canals With Solar Panels. Less Evaporation, More Water for Farmers, More Electricity...

Solar Panel Parking Lot Shades. Obvious Winner
Let's Build Solar Panel Parking Lot Shades... Keep Cars Cool and Generate Electricity at the Same Time. 

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Solar Powered Street Lights Would Save a LOT of Electricity Currently Being Generated in Coal, Natural Gas and Atomic Power Plants and Distributed Using WIRES. That's WASTEFUL and DANGEROUS... PG&E POWER LINES CAUSE FOREST FIRES.

USA at Night - a waste of Electricity - meme

Nothing NEW Needs to Be Invented... We Ought to Simply Replace the Millions of Old Style Street Lights... With Solar Cells and LED Lamps... The Concept of Generating Power in One Central Location and Distributing it to the User is Quite Wasteful... Some Electricity JUST VANISHES over the Long Distance... and DANGEROUS because the Wires Start Forest Fires... PG&E Power Company Just Burned the Entire Town Of Paradise, CA... and It Caused the Company to Go Bankrupt. Distributing Power From a Central Generator is an Obsolete Idea. What if Every House had Solar Panels on the Roof That Provided Enough Electricity to UNPLUG FROM THE GRID...


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Sorry: Governor Newsom Signed the Law that Funds Diablo Canyon... Too Late to Protest This Issue... SAD...
If We Run Diablo Canyon for Five More Years We will have Five More Years of Radioactive Waste to Dispose of Safely... and NO PLAN to DO THAT!
Godzilla Swimming in the Hot Water Next to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

Newsom wants to keep Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant open by loaning PG&E $1.4 billion

Just to Make Clear How ABSURD Funding Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Is: It Heats the Water in the Ocean... and the ICE on the Poles of Planet Earth Is MELTING... Due to Global Warming... Global Warming of Air and Global Warming of WATER... The Same Water that Diablo Canyon is HEATING!
The Diablo Canyon nuclear plant: assessing the seismic risks of extended operation... 

Map showing Location of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and the San Andreas Earthquake Fault in California

Map showing Location of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and the San Andreas Earthquake Fault in California

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NO NUKES! Biden's Infrastructure Plan Includes Taxpayer Funding for Nuclear Power Plants. THAT'S CRAZY!

No Nukes on Farmville Game

I Wrote to President Biden, Both My Senators and My Congressman and Said:

"No Nukes! President Biden Admits That There Will Be Funding for Nuclear Power Plants included in the Infrastructure Bill. That's Insane. The Rest of the Bill Sounds Great but... Spending  Taxpayer Money on a Technology that has been Proven to be a Failure is Not Wise. The Engineers at PG&E, SMUD and SoCal Edison Have Completely Given Up on Nuclear Power.  However... It's Costing the Customers $9.2 Billion Dollars to Clean up Diablo Canyon and San Onofre....  Please Remove all Funding for Nuclear Power From this Bill." 

Atomic Waste Casks at PGE Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant Near Eureka California
Atomic Waste Casks at PGE Abandoned
Nuclear Power Plant Near Eureka, California

White House Wants Nuclear in Clean Energy Mandate, McCarthy Says... Nuclear energy should be one of the power sources eligible for a national clean energy mandate sought by the White House as part of its infrastructure plan, presidential climate adviser Gina McCarthy told reporters.

McCarthy’s remarks on Thursday came amid concern about the carbon-free fuel source from progressives and some environmentalists who have qualms about radioactive waste and uranium mining for reactor fuel.

Inclusion of nuclear in the so-called Clean Energy Standard, which requires the generation of clean power, could be a boon for companies including NuScale Power LLC, TerraPower LLC, Westinghouse Electric Co., General Electric Co., and Exelon Corp.


Innovation: Drive dramatic cost reductions in critical clean energy technologies, including battery storage, negative emissions technologies, the next generation of building materials, renewable hydrogen, and advanced nuclear – and rapidly commercialize them, ensuring that those new technologies are made in America.

Let's Close All Nuclear Power Plants. It's an Obviously Failed Technology... It's Super Expensive to Decommission... $9.2 Billion to Clean up SONGS and Diablo Canyon in California...

It Creates Atomic Waste that Remains Radioactive and Dangerous for Thousands of Years... AND... the Waste Has to Be GUARDED to Prevent Terrorists from Stealing It and Building a "Dirty Bomb." GO SOLAR, Wind, Hydro or BIOMASS... Imagine if all the People Employed in Nuclear Power GOT REAL JOBS WHERE THEY MADE WONDERFUL THINGS! Nuclear is a HUGE WASTE of Engineering Talent. Remember: The Best Place for a Fusion Reactor is 93 Million Miles From My Back Yard. 

I Sure Hope You Don't Buy Electricity from PG&E or SoCal Edison. You Have to Pay $9.2 Billion to Clean Up Their Failed Nukes... 

The costs for the dismantlement of SONGS (San Onofre) will come from $4.4 billion in existing decommissioning trust funds. The money has been collected from the plant’s customers and invested in dedicated trusts.

PG&E Diablo Canyon: Estimates a total decommissioning cost of $4.8 billion, some $700 million higher than the estimate made in its 2015 in its Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding (NDCTP) document.

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant from the Air - gvan42
At Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant,
PG&E Pumps Hot Water Right Into The Ocean.
Helping Melt Ice Caps at the North and South Poles.

It's Located Right on the Earthquake Fault Line.
When Will It Do The F*CK YOU SHIMA?

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UFO Fukushima Chernobyl - Are Aliens Protecting Us From Atomic Disaster? SONGS (San Onofre) - Diablo Canyon - TMI - Santa Susana - Nyonoksa - YES, There were UFO Sightings Right After the Disasters...

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But First... a Word from Our Sponsor
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But a Practical and Efficient Way Of Life!  

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Why are so many UFOs being reported near nuclear facilities—and why isn’t there more urgency on the part of the government to assess their potential national-security threat?

UFOs over Chernobyl and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants... There is a large body of evidence to cover concerning UFOs appearing near nuclear power plants and nuclear missile sites.  But for now I just want to focus on two cases which both involve a nuclear power plant disaster, threatening to release radioactivity into the air, threatening to kill people and destroy this planet.

Ancient Aliens TV Show: Extraterrestrial Nuclear Intervention - History Channel

The Sodium Reactor Experiment was an experimental nuclear reactor that operated at the site from 1957 to 1964 and was the first commercial power plant in the world to experience a core meltdown.[18] There was a decades-long cover-up of the incident by the U.S. Department of Energy.[19] The operation predated environmental regulation, so early disposal techniques are not recorded in detail.[19] Thousands of pounds of sodium coolant from the time of the meltdown are not yet accounted for.[20][21]

Tucked away in the hills above the San Fernando and Simi valleys was a 2,800-acre laboratory with a mission that was a mystery to the thousands of people who lived in its shadow. In a place called Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), there was a secret collaboration between the U.S. government and private companies to test the limits of nuclear power.

Rocketdyne should have been cleaned up long ago. Now, our worse fears have been realized – the Woolsey fire, which appears to have started at Rocketdyne (Santa Susana Field Laboratory), has burned through a good portion of the site, risking more exposures to SSFL’s radiological and chemical contamination. Please read below the joint press release that Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition released with Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles and Parents vs SSFL. An earlier press release is here. We are demanding independent post-fire testing and air monitoring for radiation and chemicals from SSFL. Given the extent of SSFL’s contamination, precautions recommended by fire authorities, such as limiting outdoor activities and using N95 face masks, are especially important.

The Nyonoksa radiation accident occurred on 8 August 2019 in Northern RussiaFive military and civilian specialists were killed and three were injured.

UFO Sighting at the Cooper Nuclear Station near Brownville, Nebraska, according to the files released by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The incident was described as an “unidentified flying object violating the protected area at the station”.

Interviews with U.S. military personnel validate the presence of strange UFO craft shutting down nuclear missile sites, turning the instruments off, inoperative, and overriding human controls. 
Star & Stripes quoted former Air Force Capt. Robert Salas, who was at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana in 1967 when 10 ICMs he was overseeing suddenly became inoperative - at the same time base security informed him of a mysterious red glowing object in the sky.
Robert Jamison, a retired USAF nuclear missile targeting officer, told of several occasions having to go out and "re-start" missiles that had been deactivated, after UFOs were sighted nearby.
Similar sightings at nuclear sites in the former Soviet Union and in Britain were related.  
This is the story of extraordinary events that happened in 1967 to US Air Force Strategic Air Command Missile Combat Officers and other enlisted personnel; Missileers assigned to operate, maintain, and protect the Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missile , an essential part of America's Cold War strategic nuclear deterrent.
NO NUKES - atomic power symbol - free coloring book art  by greg vanderlaan - gvan42
NO NUKES - atomic power symbol
free coloring book art  by greg vanderlaan - gvan42
Atomic doubleup Rainbow dolby Dark Sharpened Classic Time Tunnel by gvan42

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PG&E and SoCal Edison Have Given Up Completely on Nuclear Power... Diablo Canyon is The Only Operating Atomic Power Plant in California and It Is Already Scheduled to be Decommissioned. PRICE=FOUR BILLION DOLLARS to Clean Up the Failed Technology... 

SONGS (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station) Has Already Been Closed. It's PRICE for Cleanup is also FOUR BILLION DOLLARS.  

YOU, The Electricity Consumer Pays for all that Insanity...

Southern California Edison has announced that a liquid batch release containing radiological effluent will start on Friday July 24th, 2020, 1.1 miles offshore of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) and the popular surf beaches at San Onofre State Park.

The batch will include 21,168 gallons of treated wastewater and radiological effluent diffused through offshore conduits.

This notification was made thanks to the urging of Surfrider Foundation staff at the March 26, 2019 California State Lands Commission hearing where Edison committed to providing batch release notifications and enhanced radiological and environmental monitoring. The goal is to keep the local beach-going and surf community informed about what effluent and potential hazards are posed by actions at the local nuclear plant. 

UFO Fukushima Chernobyl - Are Aliens Protecting Us From Atomic Disaster? SONGS (San Onofre) - Diablo Canyon - TMI - Santa Susana - Nyonoksa - YES, There were UFO Sightings Right After the Disasters...  gvan42

UFO Fukushima Chernobyl - Are Aliens Protecting Us From Atomic Disaster? SONGS (San Onofre) - Diablo Canyon - TMI - Santa Susana - Nyonoksa - YES, There were UFO Sightings Right After the Disasters...  gvan42

UFO Fukushima Chernobyl - Are Aliens Protecting Us From Atomic Disaster? SONGS (San Onofre) - Diablo Canyon - TMI - Santa Susana - Nyonoksa - YES, There were UFO Sightings Right After the Disasters...  gvan42

SO... It Appears that Aliens Do Not Like Atomic Power or Weapons... GEE, That Makes Sense... Anyone With Half a Brain has Grasped the NO NUKES! Concept... 
Read More AT:

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ATOMIC WASTE IS FOREVER: Why do people keep on writing FALSE articles saying Nuclear Power Plants are "Green" when that is Obviously NOT TRUE... 

Diablo Canyon is the Last One and It will Cost
4.8 BILLION Dollars to Decommission...
The plan of the PRO NUKE Babylon Sisters is to Reach a Conclusion First, then Find Data to support that Idea... Ignore OBVIOUS facts that do not fit the conclusion, then Publish...

Remember, Nuclear Waste Remain Radioactive and Dangerous for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. It Must be Stored Safely and GUARDED all that time. Terrorists Could Steal the Atomic Waste and Build a "Dirty Bomb" unless we EMPLOY Armed Guards... 

$15.00 per hour * 24 hours * 365 days * 25,000 Years=$3,285,000,000 A HUGE PILE OF MONEY... For each security Guard... and there are Hundreds of Piles of Atomic Waste in the USA alone...  

Example: A Totally False Story:

Headline: Opinion
Nuclear Power Can Save the World...

Expanding the technology is the fastest way to slash greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonize the economy. By Joshua S. Goldstein, Staffan A. Qvist and Steven PinkerDrs. Goldstein and Qvist are the authors of �A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow.� Dr. Pinker is a psychology professor at Harvard.

Write them an EMAIL telling them to STOP LYING...

Conveniently the authors forget Chernobyl and Fukushima which actually exploded like an Atomic Bomb... "Nuclear power plants cannot explode like nuclear bombs, and they have not contributed to weapons proliferation, thanks to robust international controls: 24 countries have nuclear power but not weapons, while Israel and North Korea have nuclear weapons but not power."They forget examples like TMI, Rocketdyne Test Facility in LA and Vermont Yankee where Waste leaked into the Environment... People near TMI say they had a "Metallic Taste" in their mouths... "Nuclear waste is compact � America�s total from 60 years would fit in a Walmart � and is safely stored in concrete casks and pools, becoming less radioactive over time. After we have solved the more pressing challenge of climate change, we can either burn the waste as fuel in new types of reactors or bury it deep underground. " Like the Failed Yucca Mountain Storage Facility... 

WOW, THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY! Cleanup of the Failed Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant may Cost a BILLION DOLLARS... 

Exelon Generation, which plans to shut down Three Mile Island Unit 1 nuclear reactor in September unless Pennsylvania lawmakers come to its rescue, says it would take nearly 60 years and $1.2 billion to completely decommission the Dauphin County site. 

Here's a Positive Show... Why Be Unhappy Your Whole Life? Saturday Night Alive For the Global Peace Tribe - Music, Prayer, Comedy & Connection... Celebration of Earthday...

UFO Fukushima Chernobyl - Are Aliens Protecting Us From Atomic Disaster? SONGS (San Onofre) - Diablo Canyon - TMI - Santa Susana - Nyonoksa - YES, There were UFO Sightings Right After the Disasters...  gvan42
UFO Fukushima Chernobyl - Are Aliens Protecting Us From Atomic Disaster? SONGS (San Onofre) - Diablo Canyon - TMI - Santa Susana - Nyonoksa - YES, There were UFO Sightings Right After the Disasters...  gvan42
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