Showing posts with label Charles Koch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles Koch. Show all posts

Trump's Plan is to CUT Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Environmental Protection and Public Schools in order to give Another Massive Tax Cut to the Rich...

If Trump Overturns the Election of 2020, His First Mission is to Make Abortion Illegal... Forcing Women to Have Unwanted Babies!

Then... Steal All Social Security Money and Give it to His Billionaire Friends... Letting Your Grandmother Starve... He Already Cut FOOD STAMPS for 700,000 People... WE SHOULD FEED AMERICAN CHILDREN NO MATTER WHAT THEIR PARENTS DO... 
It's Not The Children's FAULT if their Parents Have a Horrible Job that Can't Pay For Food... Trump Is Evil...

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VW Bus - Flower Power drawing - free coloring book by gvan42

A great book documenting Charles Koch's campaign is "Democracy in Chains" by Nancy MacLean.

He founded The CATO Institute in order to publish Libertarian Propaganda, Influence Political Thought and Legislative Action. They write what they are told to write no matter what Actual Reality is. Corporate Whores... 

Koch opposes Majority Rule in the USA as that leads to Laws funding programs that are popular with the Majority. Wealthy people are a minority group so their desires are under represented.

For example: Why should wealthy people pay taxes to fund Public Schools when their children go to Private Schools? Trump's appointment of Elizabeth Devos as Secretary of Education enables the mission of School Vouchers to proceed... Cutting funding for Public Schools.

Obscuring census data to give "conservative districts more than their fair share of representation." Preventing access to the vote. Decrying "socialized medicine." Trying to end Social Security using dishonest vocabulary like "strengthened." Lionizing Lenin. Attempting to institute voucher programs to "get Government out of the business of public education." Increasing corporatization of higher education. Harboring a desire, at heart, to change the Constitution itself.

This unsettling list could be 2017 Bingo. In fact, it's from half a century earlier, when economist James Buchanan — an early herald of libertarianism — began to cultivate a group of like-minded thinkers with the goal of changing government. This ideology eventually reached the billionaire Charles Koch; the rest is, well, 2017 Bingo.

IS TRUMP TOO INSANE TO SERVE AS PRESIDENT? Does his danger to the Human Species warrant a 25th Amendment removal?

Would a war with North Korea or Iran trigger GLOBAL ANNIHILATION by Nuclear Weapons? End Human Life on this planet? Extinction Forever? That's what we have with a Madman in the White House... He Believes That Jesus Will Save Him Before The Atom Bombs Explode! Rapture will BEAM HIM UP!
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One Problem with BELIEVING LIES is that Corrupt People Will Take Advantage of You. For Example: Trump's Fake University - He Had to Refund $25 Million Dollars to Students for FRAUD... A Simpler Way To Live is to REFUSE TO BELIEVE LIES... Think For Yourself!

Remember Trump's Fake Charity? He Had to Pay a $2 Million Dollar Fine for FRAUD and Cannot Operate a Charity in New York State Ever Again... BUT... That Does Not Prevent Him From Founding a Fake Charity in Florida... Where He Can Steal From Veterans AGAIN... An Alternative to BEING a GULLIBLE FOOL is to WAKE UP! It's FUN, It's FREE and Everybody's Doing It! 

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Charles Koch, George Soros Help Fund Think Tank Opposed To 'Endless War' - Wonderful - I want to work there.

America “goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” — Said John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the United States and namesake for new think tank. 

The Boston Globe reports the "astonishing turn" that organizations created by libertarian billionaire Charles Koch and progressive billionaire George Soros are helping to fund a new think tank, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. The new group is committed to promoting "ideas that move U.S. foreign policy away from endless war and toward vigorous diplomacy in the pursuit of international peace."

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