Showing posts with label Alex Cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alex Cross. Show all posts

Great Book: "Jack and Jill" by James Patterson. A murder mystery contrasting the Assassination of the President and Murder of Black Children.

Detective Alex Cross has two serial killers loose in Washington DC. One is killing Famous Politicians and the other is killing poor black children. The interesting quality of this book is how the Police treat these two groups differently. A huge force of police try to prevent the murder of the President while the poor black children are almost completely ignored...

James Patterson writes about subjects that are relevant to today's news headlines... Black Lives Matter protests... Assassination of the President... He can write about these subjects but if I type a blog post... It's possible for me to be included in a List of Crazies to be watched by the FBI, NSA and CIA... I really enjoyed this book as it allows me to fantasize about a subject that is,,, shall we say... Verboten! (Forbidden!)

Are Republicans Bought, Insane or Possessed? Why worry? Read a Good Book instead... I recommend "Crossfire" by James Patterson...

The basic plot of "Crossfire" is that the detective has a CRISIS OF FAITH... An "Insane" Sniper is murdering Corrupt Politicians and Lobbyists and Alex Cross has to decide... Does he enforce the LAW or allow the serial killer continue to clean up our government? The General Public Supports the Serial Killer and his "Vote with a Bullet" plan...

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Bigfoot - the true story:
There was a large man who ran away from his job at the California Conservation Corps near Hoopa, CA. He lived in the woods fishing the Trinity River and took a Hoopa Lady as a wife. Her father made up the story of Bigfoot to explain the abduction of his daughter. It's a better story than "the white man stole her". A Father is supposed to protect his daughter or at least let her marry an Indian... Bigfoot was a Real Man with an Exaggerated story.

Famous Bigfoot Film by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin:

At the man's funeral, his son said that the movie was a fake. The other people who lived in Willow Creek objected strongly to his stating the truth in public. There are many tourist business that depend on the Bigfoot Legend to bring customers to remote Humboldt County. So he retracted his statement.

Digital Rainbow Squiral
Psychedelic Art!

Magic Cross

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