The REAL Meaning of "Make America Great Again". It supposes that America was great at a TIME in the PAST... For Example 1950, 1850 or 1776

For something to be great AGAIN it had to be Great BEFORE... In my Opinion America is Great Right Now and there is No Need to Invent Time Travel...

For Example:
The 1950s was a time before Women's Liberation, Civil Rights, Hippies or Gay Rights...
It was a time of Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, Happy Days and Beatniks...

I believe that When Ronald Reagan Spoke the Slogan "Let's Make America Great Again" he wanted to take America Back to the 1950s... Trump Stole Reagan's Slogan and HE ALSO felt that the 1950s were GREAT... For Example: The Queens Borough was filled with White People! NOW Queens is 75% NON-WHITE.

However... 1850 was also a really great time... Slavery was legal and the Civil War hadn't Happened... The South had giant Mansions like TARA in the "Gone With The Wind" Movie.

BUT... If we go even farther back... 1776 was a GREAT ERA. The Only People who were allowed to vote were Rich White Men... Does Trump Want to Take Us Back to the Thrilling Days of Yesterday?

Why Not Travel WAY BACK? In Cave Man Times... Everyone Could Afford a Fur Coat... and there were NO Animal Rights Activists throwing Blood on your wife...

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