Why should we all vote against all Republicrimes Everywhere, Everytime? Because Republicrimes are the paid puppets of the NRA.

The Gun manufacturers business plan depend on people that already own guns to buy more guns. Everyone who wanted a gun has already bought one and so the industry depends on people that want to increase their arsenal from 5 guns to 50 guns. The Gun Lobby publishes hysteria producing propaganda about dangerous evil strangers that plan to attack your family. The Brainwashing causes gun owners to spend money buying more and more and more guns to defend themselves from an imaginary enemy... In FACT, having a gun in the house increases the chance of having a gun accident... Families are LESS SAFE with firearms in the house because they are often used upon the family. Get Smart America! #OutlawGuns

Trump's plan of ARMING TEACHERS is astonishingly stupid. What happens when a student grabs the gun and takes it away from the teacher? The Teacher gets DEAD. Many High School boys are bigger and stronger than their teachers and could wrestle away a gun. This is a classic BONEHEAD TRUMP IDEA... The answer to gun violence is making guns illegal... FEWER GUNS lead to FEWER DEATHS. #OutlawGuns

Republicrimes are ANTI-Family Values. They supported an accused Child Molester in Alabama [Moore] and an accused Wife Beater in the White House [Porter]. They are opposed to Health Care and voted to end Obamacare and cause millions of people to lose their insurance... Causing untreated sickness and early death...

Here in California it is possible to Register to Vote on the Internet. For people that are house-bound this is a way for them to vote by mail. Many old people never go out except to go to the doctor. Many have moved from their family house to an old folks home and need to re-register... Go visit your parents and help them register. This election is extremely important. We all have to join together and throw all Republicrimes OUT! Register and Vote for Green, Democrat or Libertarians...

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