Great Movie: "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore. explains Global Warming

This movie calls for action to save life as we know it on planet Earth. As we saw last year, Global Warming caused Three Hurricanes in the USA, Tornados and VAST wildfires in California.

Soon the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast will be uninhabitable as it will get blasted by hurricanes every year... No matter how many times Trump' EPA declares that Global Warming is a hoax, the damage is real. Trump is lying when he says "Clean Coal".

It seems like the only place in the USA that will be safe to live in will be the Coast of Northern California, Oregon and Washington State.

We can save ourselves by simply using less electricity generated by coal, driving fewer miles or buying a high mileage car.

and... An Inconvenient Sequel - Truth to Power ...

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